Rotary Club of Cuttack Greater - Rotary India

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Contact details:


Bimbisar Dash
Club President
"Rtn. Bimbisar Dash is practicing as a lawyer in the Hon&39;ble Orissa High Court.He has specialised in service and constitutional law. Presently he is defending Govt. of India before the Hon&39;ble High Court as a senior panel counsel.He is also defending the UPSC, NCERT,Providend Fund Organization, Accountant General Odisha and Bhubaneswar Development Authority before the Hon&39;ble High Court, Central Administrative Tribunal, National Company Law Tribunal and Consumer Commissions. He has completed 34 years of legalpractice. He is Secretary of Rotary Club of Cuttack Greater, RID 3262 for the Rotary Year 2022-23."