Rotary Club of Cuttack Greater was chartered on 30th April 2008 in the silver city of Cuttack. R C of Cuttack Midtown was the sponsoring club and Rtn G P Mohanty was our chartered President. Our club has adopted three schools namely, Ratha Sahu Project U P School, Sector 13 of CDA, Cuttack ; Saraswati Sisu Mandira, Sector 8, CDA, Cuttack; Saraswati Sishu Mandir, Sector-6, CDA,Cuttack and one orphanage, Love Charity Children’s Home, Krusak Bazar, Cuttack. Though the club started with 20 members, the present strength is 46. The Rotary Club of Cuttack Greater has sponsored on community-based Rotaract Club at Cuttack , One institution-based interact club at Saraswati Sishu Mandir, Sector-6, CDA,Cuttack and one RCC at Bidyadharpur,Cuttack.